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봄무들기 생각

living today

by 굼벵이(조용욱) 2007. 5. 29.

Today I will delete from my diary

two days: yesterday and tomorrow


Yesterday was to learn

and tomorrow will be the consequence

of what I can do today.


Today I will face life

with the conviction that this day

will not ever return.


Today is the last opportunity

I have to live intensely,

as no one can assure me

that I will see tomorrow's sunrise.


Today I will be brave enough

not to let any opportunity pass me by,

my only alternative is to succeed.


Today I will invest

my most valuable resource: my time,

in the most transcendental work:

my life;


I will spend each minute

'봄무들기 생각' 카테고리의 다른 글

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